Secure, Track & Organise your investments with Cartlidge Morland Wealth
Your finances beautifully brought together in one place. Available on your desktop, tablet and smart phone, the Cartlidge Morland Wealth…
Our Investment Management Consultants provide a dedicated, tailored service for each of our clients – dependent on your unique requirements – including:
Given the huge range of investment opportunities available today, we concentrate on collective funds invested in UK, Europe, US, South East Asia, Japan and emerging market equities, bonds, commercial property and cash.
Where appropriate for a particular client with the necessary understanding and attitude to risk, we also include hedge fund exposure, investment trusts and alternative investments.
We may also recommend funds that invest in thematic areas, such as financial and healthcare.
We only choose funds run by managers who are proven experts and whose results are subject to public scrutiny.
We also offer a range of investment portfolios tailored to meet a number of particular objectives – primarily risk levels, from low to high. This service enables investors with sums that are smaller than required for our bespoke service, to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our Investment Managers.
Additionally, these risk-rated portfolios are designed to meet include growth objectives, the provision of income or a combination of the two. We also create portfolios that meet ethical criteria.
We rigorously review all our portfolios every six months, and recommend in writing any changes that we feel would be beneficial. Further financial planning advice is available, as agreed individually with each of our clients.
Our team are experienced in dealing with both UK residents not domiciled in the UK and non-UK residents with investments in the UK and overseas. We offer specialist advice ranging from how to optimise your international investments and tax planning, to the management of your retirement funds when living abroad.
Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of investments and income arising may go down as well as up.
The level and bases of reliefs from taxation may change. Statements relating to taxation are based upon current taxation laws and practices, which are subject to change.
Your finances beautifully brought together in one place. Available on your desktop, tablet and smart phone, the Cartlidge Morland Wealth…